The spiritual reality is the wisdom of consciousness that is beyond our wisdom of thought. Beyond the Cosmos, the spiritual reality is what we know as God. The spiritual reality is that God is the creator of all in the physical world. Spiritual reality of God is timeless, motionless, endless, unlimited and complete.
The spiritual reality is that God is beyond any form, is eternal, is a central source of energy and wisdom of all in the physical world. The spiritual reality of God, it is indisputable and is beyond words. And that truth of wisdom is illusory and continues to change as per our lifestyle and state of mind. .
The spiritual reality that can not be actually received, it can be known by reference to pure consciousness of self. The reality is that our wisdom of the thought of God considers something separate from ourselves. Spiritual reality is that we are an extension of the unity of God
The spiritual reality is that we consider our selfishness as our inner self and wisdom in the thought as the wisdom of consciousness. The spiritual reality is that selfishness is our individual life and inner self is our absolute life. The spiritual reality is that our thinking is the wisdom of our understanding of society, universities and parents and is expressed in the form of our spoken language. The reality is that our spiritual wisdom of consciousness is the knowledge of the eternal and is expressed in the form of our emotions.
Spiritual reality is that our senses and wisdom of impure thoughts fails to explore topics pure, permanent and inner self and pleasure and who are donors.
Spiritual reality is that we see the people we love or hate are permanent, or behave as if our goods are to exist permanently. Spiritual reality is that each of them is temporary and shifting, and our relationships are temporary. The property, enmity and the physical body are only relative in the present moment of time. We have no ongoing relationship with our parents and our children.
Spiritual reality is that we mistake the impure for the pure. Example, believe that the objects of our faith are pure and articles of faith of others are not pure. This distinction is the creation of thought and belief is related to purely amorphous. Spiritual reality is that we regard as real to unreal and formed to shapeless. All that is formed is at the origin of the emery is formless spiritual and eternal. The reality is that what is seen is the reconstruction of our sense of wisdom in our thinking. The reality is obtained by invoking the pure consciousness which can not be seen, but realized by experience.
Spiritual reality is that social relationships with family and friends that give us the pleasure of the moment are the seeds of attachment and separation becomes a source of pain from donors.


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